In additon to my research and policy work, I have supported a number of projects designed to help different groups get more involved in politics.

Vote PopUps

Vote PopUps have been developed and implemented by the Democratic Engagement Exchange at Toronto Metropolitan University. Vote PopUps help community organizations demystify the voting process and engage their community members around elections. I have helped run Vote PopUps in Vancouver, and have helped write evaluation reports for the project. You can learn more about Vote PopUps here.

The Institute for Future Legislators

The Institute for Future Legislators was founded at the University of British Columbia. It provides hands-on training and mentorship for anyone who is interested in holding public office at any level. Since 2017, I have worked as a facilitator with the Institute at UBC. In 2019, I worked as a project coordinator and helped bring the Institute to the Toronto Metropolitan University. You can learn more about the Institute here.